Preparation for Paving

Preparation for Paving 

Preparing and levelling an area can be a simple and straight forward process when it’s done right.
yellow mini excavator

Things to consider:

1. Access; Access; Access:

Yes we can get through doorways, under carports, and down narrow side ways; but we need to know the narrowest point the machine has to get through.
Remember there is no such thing as a ‘standard gate’ and don’t forget to take into account downpipes, taps and meter boxes.
Remove anything that doesn’t need to be in the area or that may be in the machines path, it’s a good idea to wrap your hot water service in some old carpet just in case.

2. Drainage:

Queensland is renowned for it’s torrential down pours; make sure you have adequate drainge, that the ground falls away from the house and has somewhere to go; rather than pooling in your backyard, forming a bog that never dries out.
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